1. Mastering Git Reset: Commit Alchemy
The git reset command is a formidable tool unfortunately far too often misunderstood or poorly used. This is too bad, as it opens up a wide range of solutions and tips to optimize our work and workflows.
This section supplements the articles provided in the official documentation and aims to provide a more functional approach to some of the essential commands that are often misunderstood.
The git reset command is a formidable tool unfortunately far too often misunderstood or poorly used. This is too bad, as it opens up a wide range of solutions and tips to optimize our work and workflows.
Each one is best for specific purposes, so learn when to use them efficiently, and why.
Oooh, what a nasty bug you just noticed! Alas, you can’t seem to find out where it originates just now, and it appears to have been around for a while, too… How can you avoid combing through the entire history?
If you used submodules before, you certainly got a few scars to show for it, probably swearing off the dang thing. Submodules are hair-pulling for sure, what with their host of pitfalls and traps lurking around most use cases. Still, they are not without merits, if you know how to handle them.
A month ago we were exploring Git submodules; I told you then our next in-depth article would be about subtrees, which are the main alternative.